Landlord Dashboard

Landlord Dashboard

Your own Personalised Compliance Dashboard.

Presented and filtered in a clear and simple Traffic Light System

Highlighting non-compliance or properties needing immediate attention

Instant access to all your Documents, Properties and resulting Compliance Status.


View your property summary Straight Away and troubleshoot Potential Issues. 

Highlight Competent engineers and troublesome properties using the 'Tag' System

Accessing the Landlord Dashboard

Step-by-step guide

  1. From the Main Page select 'Dashboards'.

  2. From the drop down menu select 'Landlord dashboard'.

  3. The Landlord Dashboard shows compliance in an easy to digest fashion and gives an overview into the level of compliance across all of your properties.

    1. From this page you can choose to view all properties in a given compliance state. eg. 'View non-compliant documents'.

      1. To view all properties.

      2. To view only fully compliant properties.

      3. To view properties with warnings or advisories. (Still compliant, but the property has something you may want to investigate)

      1. To view only non-compliant properties.