Document "Result Outcomes"
Outcomes are the end result of our validation process. When a ‘calculation’ is performed on a document, the information entered on the document is validated and assigned to an outcome and a description.
Outcome States
Outcomes can be one of 6 ‘States’:
Unknown (Unknown outcomes are for information only, but can be configured to any other state)
Ignored (ignored outcomes are still shown, but do not affect compliance)
Excluded (excluded outcomes are not shown and do not affect compliance)
These states directly affect the compliance rating of a document ( ) and subsequently the asset it’s attached to.
All outcomes can be re-classified to any of the 6 ‘states'.
Dynamic Outcomes
Outcomes can be dynamically re-classified during processing into another state based on certain conditions, to put simply - ‘if this, then that’
For example:
A GAS document is uploaded and ‘ECV Capped’ is written in the comments section, TCW creates a TAG - ‘Capped Off'
If: TAG = “Capped Off”
Then: Ignore pipework calculations ( )
Failed pipework outcomes () will then be dynamically reclassified to ‘Ignored’ ( )
Supported Conditions:
Presence of 'Tag'
Report purpose
Visual assessment
Landlords/Tenants appliance
Type of appliance
Installation Capped
Appliance capped