Custom Appliance Parameters

Custom Appliance Parameters

This feature needs to be enabled by the support team once parameters are configured. Parameters will not be applied until an account administrator contacts support@tcwin.co.uk requesting the feature to be enabled.

What is it?

“Manage Appliances” allows you to specify more stringent parameters for boilers in TCW for the following:

Maximum Burner Pressure
Maximum Heart Input
Maximum High Rate CO2 Percent
Maximum Low Rate CO2 Percent
Minimum Burner Pressure
Minimum Heat Input
Minimum High Rate CO2 Percent
Minimum Low Rate CO2 Percent
Minimum Low Rate CO2 Percent From Maximum


In a lot of cases, the official make and model of an appliance is entered differently on an LGSR.

For example:

“Worcester Greenstar 24i junior MkIII” Could be entered on an LGSR as “Worcester 24i junior“

In order for TCW to accurately identify the correct boiler make and model, you may first need to set up some appliance aliases.

You can download a list of your existing boiler makes and models using the “All Documents” page. Select ‘Relevant’, then click the icon.


To make a new make alias from the “Manage Appliances” page:

  1. On the 'Appliance Make Aliases” tab click ‘Add New’

  2. Select the boiler make

  3. Enter the alias

  4. Click save.

To make a new model alias from the “Manage Appliances” page:

  1. On the 'Appliance Model Aliases” tab click ‘Add New’

  2. Select the boiler model

  3. Enter the alias

  4. Click save.


If a boiler is noted on an LGSR which does not have an alias configured you will receive the following advisory “Boiler details not found”.

This advisory can be turned off, or instead shown in the form of a ‘TAG’ to prevent property compliance being altered.


Configuring Parameters

To configure your parameters

  1. From the “Manage Appliances” page, select the “Appliance Parameters” tab

  2. Find the boiler you wish to configure, click configure

  3. Enter your new parameters

  4. Click save


If you have any queries or issues just reach out to support@tcwin.co.uk