Asset Groups
Asset groups allows the whole site to be filtered based on an asset ‘Group’ - Similar to a column filter in Excel.
When one or more groups are selected the portal will update and only show you results based on the assets subscribed to the selected groups.
Groups can be manipulated in bulk from the portal by clicking ‘Assets’ > 'Edit Groups' in the top menu bar.
You are able to add to your list of available groups by region or type, etc., for example:
North West
Currently Owned
Once you have your group names defined, selecting “View” you will be greeted with three options:
Add - This will simply add to any that are already defined.
Remove - Removes any assets that are included in your list from the group.
Rebuild - This will use your new list as the master list, only what is contained in your list will remain in the group.
Rebuild - The system will clear the group entirely, then re-create it using your list of UPRNs. With this in mind, it’s important to ensure your list contains all of the assets that belong to this group.
You will need to ensure TCW already has any of these assets loaded on TCW before you complete this process, TCW will identify this for you. Adding assets can be found here.
If you require further assistance with asset groups just reach out to