Reporting on expired certificates

Reporting on expired certificates

Using the inspected days from and inspected days to filters you can fine tune your reports to show date ranges specific to document types, tags, relevance and more.


For example, to create an LGSR report showing assets where the most recent document had expired in the last 4 weeks:

Creating the filter

  1. in Gas, Go to DocumentsAll Documents

  2. Click the Relevant quick filter

  3. Open the Advanced filter panel

  4. In the Inspected days from filter, enter 395

  5. In the Inspected days to filter, enter 365
    Using these filters you can choose any date range by specifying the days before/after the inspection date.

  6. In the Types filter, select LGSR

  7. In the Including Tags filter, select the purpose tags you wish to include, eg Purpose: Service
    The above tags are dependent on your document format and whether the information is available.

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the filter panel and click Save

  9. Name the filter and click Submit

Sending the filter to a destination

  1. Go to DocumentsSaved Filters

  2. Find your filter and click Details

  3. Click Schedule

  4. Give the scheduled report a name and schedule frequency

  5. Choose the destination(s) to send this report to
    Guide on making new destinations here

  6. Click submit.