Classify (Scanned/Handwritten/Photos)
There is limited support for scanned/handwritten or unsupported documents in TCW.
Available functions:
Assign to address - This is done automatically if filename UPRN matching is set up on your account.
Add inspection date
Add expiry date
Specify document type
Specify document compliance
Apply ‘Tags’
Override property compliance
When a scanned document is uploaded it is automatically put in the ‘Misc’ category until the required information is set. To quickly classify scanned/handwritten documents you can utilise the ‘Classify’ feature.
To use the classify feature there is no need to change category. All unclassified documents will be visible.
TCW will attempt to identify the category and type automatically. These can be located using the ‘Proposed category’ filter.
Classify Feature
Hover over ‘Documents’ in the menu bar, click ‘Classify’
Click the icon to view a document
The following fields are available:
Type (UC stands for 'user classified')
Inspection date
Expiry date
Click save.
This information will then be available in TCW and in reports.